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Experience the impact of Visiba Triage

Create capacity to care with AI-enabled triage


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Visiba Triage

Experience the impact of AI-enabled triage

AI-enabled triage can help primary care to more efficiently manage demand for same day appointments - creating  safe and efficient access for the patients who need it most.
Visba Triage is powered by Red Robin, a registered medical device that uses AI to enhance accuracy.
Red Robin is medically trained and built on a probability-based network - meaning it mimics human decision-making to help it provide more informed diagnoses and urgency suggestions.

73% of same day appointment requests de-escalated to routine care

Two doctors infront of laptop with Visiba office-Feb-19-2024-01-33-49-4539-PM
"Duty doctor sessions now run more smoothly, receptionists like how it helps them to manage demand and patients are satisfied."

Dr Ragu Rajan

Same Day Access in Sussex NHS Primary Care Partnership

Wealden Ridge Primary Care Partnership operate across four sites and serve >12,000 patients. They introduced Visiba Triage to manage excess demand for same day appointment slots.

Here's how it works:

  • Patients who would otherwise have been assigned same day appointments are now triaged using Visiba Triage, either completed independently or completed by the receptionist on behalf of the patient. 
  • If patients choose to use the service independently, they are texted a link to submit details of their condition.
  • The patient history with urgency, differential diagnoses and images are reviewed by the Duty Clinician who decides the best course of action - this can be self-care, prescription, routine or urgent appointment (that afternoon).

    Outcomes include:
  • 73% of same day appointment requests were de-escalated to routine clinical care
  • Average of  3 minutes taken to triage each patient case
  • 95.8% clinician agreement with non-urgent classification of cases.

3 mins average triage time per case

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continually improving accuracy

Medically-trained and validated

Red Robin uses a probability-based network, has been medically trained and is continually evaluated by doctors.

Informed by large volumes of medically reviewed real-world patient cases, Red Robin continuously learns under the guidance of a medical insights team.

Red Robin does not use Black Box AI so it is possible to determine how it came to a decision. We then use this to continue to improve Red Robin's decision-making processes. 

Visiba Group AB
Adolf Edelsvärds Gata 11 Göteborg, 414 51
Phone: 0761993666